The annual Wirral to Llandudno run was held on the 15th January 2012. Although the day started off with a frost on the cars, it managed to stay dry and the sun made an appearance.
The majority of Mini’s met at the croft retail park, who were directed by the frozen marshals to the car park. By 9.15 there were approximately 90 cars driving out of the estate and onto the A41 heading to North Wales. By the time we arrived at Rhos-on-Sea this number had risen to over 100 and everyone pulled into the lay bys for a break, and to let everyone catch up for the final short trek to the Great Orme. This was my first time driving to the summit in a classic Mini, and was great fun going up the winding route to the top, and a brilliant sight seeing all the different Minis making the ascent. Another break was had for photographs to be taken a chin wag, and to embrace the winds. Then it was on down to the promenade, a park up and a couple of hours of chatting to everyone who was out on the prom that day.
A Great big thanks to everyone who attended from around the country, and to the guy who drives the Moke…hats off to you, you’re a very brave man, hope to see you, and everyone else again next year!
Anyone who has taken photographs at this years event, members and non members, please forward them onto me so they can be added to the site. It will be much appreciated thanks. Email to and make sure you leave your name so I can acknowledge you.
Pictures will be uploaded throughout the week, so please, keep checking back, and if you have any comments, please leave them. There are 2 Galleries, so make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the page.
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